Thursday, January 31, 2013

Back to the blog......... after a long break!

It has been so long since I have blogged. I almost don't know where to start. My days have been pleasantly busy and full, raising a family of 9.  I have discovered Facebook and must admit that has taken up some of my time. I feel called back to the slower pace of my blog. I'm not really sure who even stops by my lil' ole blog? It seems I get a lot of traffic but no comments. Maybe I seem boring but I really only blog for a scrape book. My kiddos and I love to spend the afternoon looking back at what we have done, cooked and seen. Big family love!

This winter has been filled with homemade soups and warm cups of tea. Snuggles and naps with Baby Ian aka B*Ian (bean) now 7 mo. old. Home school for Olivia age 5 and nature walks with family and dog Jasper. We have long cozy story times and play board games. I have 3 teenages known as the Big's 18, 16 (on Monday), 13 and 3 kiddos known as the Little's ages 10,7,5, and then there is our lil'  7mo. old B*Ian.

If you are new to my blog feel free to look around, leave a comment and Follow if you'd like.
